A few of us went for pizza afterwards and then I roamed around Ocean Grove for a while with my camera and went straight to the beach. It was a beautiful day, but it was still chilly by the water.

Ocean Grove has an interesting history with the Methodist Church and the town is full of beautiful Victorian homes that I would love to photograph one day. The photo at right shows part of the massive Great Auditorum which can seat 10,000 and is the size of a football field. I can remember going there for Sunday services as a kid with my dad a few times.
The town was settled as a sort of spiritual haven by a few Methodist preachers and for many years cars were banned from Ocean Grove on Sundays - a gate at the entrance to town kept them out. The photo at left shows a few of the hundred or so summer tent buildings that are situated around the Great Auditorium. People still live in these during the summer. A canvas tent is placed over the wooden frames you see in the photo and the resulting *room* is filled with couches, rugs, and lamps. Rustic!
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