Sunday, May 14, 2006

Photo of mom for Mother's Day

My brother calls this a *cheesecake* shot. I don't know when or where it was taken, but love this pic of my mom long before she was a mother. She loved the beach so I imagine this was taken with the ocean or a lake nearby.

I was a little kid when my mom passed away and never had the chance to know her as anything other than my *mommy*. Sad really, when I see the friendships that my girlfriends have with their moms now that we've grown up. I rely on my brothers and old photos like this for glimpses into the person she was.

People tell me I look like her and my dad always said I had some of her mannerisms - one thing I know is that I could never look as good in a bathing suit!


Susan Gets Native said...

Wow...definitely a cheesecake pic.
And you really do look like her. The shape of your faces are the same.
Great picture.

Pam in Tucson said...

That's a beautiful photo of a beautiful woman. I wish you'd had the opportunity to know her for much, much longer.

Lené Gary said...

What a great picture, Laura. I wish you had been able to share more of your life with her too.

ReluctantChickenFarmer said...

The picture is of Mom in Keansburg NJ back in the 40's I guess. Grandma and Grandpa used to vacation there. I remember Dad telling me that he would travel there when they were dating.
