Friday, June 09, 2006

What kind of flower are you?

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."

Click on the link above to take this quiz and while there be sure to check out This Garden Is Illegal - lots of neat gardening info, much of it specific to Ohio. Have fun, Susan ;-) and be sure to let me know if you're a mischief-maker like me.


Susan Gets Native said...

You are getting to know me well!
Let's see...we love to read, we love birds, we love plants, we love to blog, we are mischief-makers...
Maybe we're related.

MojoMan said...

Don't need no stinking quiz. Can you imagine what would happen if I took that stupid test, only to discover I was a ...PANSY!

Anonymous said...

I see you're reading Last Child in the Woods. I ordered that about a week ago from Amazon and have just started reading it myself. I'm not very far into it, but it sounds sad, scary, and hopeful, all at once.

LauraHinNJ said...

Susan: I blame all the mischief in me on my brothers - and the fact that I'm a Gemini.

Mojoman: Nothing wrong with pansies! I'll look around for a "What kind of power tool are you?" quiz - would that be better?

Laura: Yes, I'm reading it as a sort of companion to the July book pic at the whorled leaves blog. I'd love to hear your impressions as you read!

LauraHinNJ said...

Sorry Laura, should have mentioned that we voted to read "The Geography of Childhood" by Gary Paul Nabhan for July.

Endment said...

I thought this would be a fun thing to explore - I came out "snapdragon" also - however - I have my doubts. Ithere are several questions that simply don't work for me - I like Burgundy Cherry and Toffee icecream :) I don't know what flowers it brings up for the different answers - but I have decided to choose my own flower and I am going to be a Foxglove ;)