Pretty goldfinches at the feeder outside the kitchen window, ugly sun flare
Chickadee with young red maple leaves; too dark
Fledgling house wren, too dark again
Great egrets. Lovely birds, busy photo
Close-up (!) view of a Chestnut-sided warbler butt
Is there even a bird in this pic? Kudos to you if you find it!

I got it! Is it a whip-poor-will or nighthawk?
I told you not to take advice from me about photography. Those could be my photos.
Cool birds, none the less.
Jimmy: You needn't be so generous! Your photos are stunning - can't imagine a bad one.
Susan: You are right! Common nighthawk. No guess on the other? lol!
Laura - I played with some of your photos in PaintShop Pro - I'm emailing you the results. They're really pretty good photos. Can't do anything about the ones with motion blur - really too bad, esp. the egrets - that would have been a great shot. Ms. Nonbirder here thought your bird in tree might be a nightjar. Doesn't it look very much like the one in this photo? Keep up the photography - I agree, it isn't easy, but you're doing a good job.
I actually like the goldfinch one quite well. It looks like an intended effect and is pretty. I am awful at bird photos even though they come right on the porch and pose for me...
Now I know why I haven't tried photographing birds yet. If you're having so much trouble, it must be much harder than it looks.
Well hey, considering how difficult it is to photograph birds in the first place, you did well.
I like these photos, Laura. It's what 90% of my bird photos look like too! I just keep shooting and shooting.
laura- those are so like everything I have not posted...:)
*Group hug* Thanks all - glad to know I'm not the only one with so many bad pics. Many of you post such gorgeous pics - think I'll stick with flowers that stay still - although I have a big collection of bad ones in that category also.
I'm surprised (not) that no one attempted a guess at the sparrow pic - looks almost like it could be a white-throat, but it's not. Anyone?
I love your "yuck" photos, Laura. I think the series is delightful. Sometimes photos that are not the most artful, are the most "energetic" in that they capture the essence of the experience versus the image of the experience.
I've never taken a bird-picture that pleased me yet. They're too quick for me!
Hey, my birds shots are so bad, I won't even post them
I need a highlighter to mark where they are in the photo. Sometimes, I too, miss the bird completely!
After cropping and sharpening your photo and then searching through "All About Birds", here's a wild guess - Seaside Sparrow? It seems to have the following characteristics: * Dark, olive-gray all over. * Yellow spot in front of eyes. * White throat. * Black whisker mark. The range map for summer includes your area.
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