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Turn and look again
The colors of the fading sun made me take a fresh and attentive look at this scene transformed by ice and shadow and I saw something quite beautiful then. Like many, it's difficult for me to admire the things I see everyday because there is so little novelty, but without admiration for the common there can be no attentiveness to its beauty.
My focus this day were the Hooded Megansers that were concentrated in the bit of open water around the dock and pilings on the river. Cursing the fading light just as the ducks became accustomed to my presence there, I packed up my things and began the walk back up the hill to my car. I turned and looked again and saw the colors of the setting sun and th
e rest of the scene with a new perspective; rather than an impediment to my view of the birds, the sun and ice had made the everyday into something sort of wondrous. Just a short time earlier in different light it was the same old view and nothing that would cause me to even notice it. I learned that it's wise to turn around and look again, and renew my enjoyment of things with fresh attention and open eyes.
How lovely and how true. We miss so much when we rush around, we all need to turn around and look again.
That is a very good lesson Laura. I do the same thing, and end up very surprised sometimes. Your photos are beautiful again today.
That second photo is beautiful. You are right, beng impatient can cause us to lose sight of something so special. Great post, Laura. Your writing always impresses me.
Well, right on, Laura.
You do take the best photos! Lovely gauzy shots of the fading light of day.
That's a beautiful photo of the pilings at sunset. It's amazing what great lighting can do for a familiar location.
Beautiful photos, as always. And yes, it's easy to get so caught up in what we want or expect to see that we miss the beauty of the other things that are there! Great reminder!
Yes indeed... seeing things with new eyes always provides new perspective. What a gift...
Yes, turn around and take another look. A great philosophy for life.
I am glad you turned around! You got a really stunning shot.
hello birdy lady, i was wondering if you had any idea about these ducks:
Those are both stunning photographs and I really love the one with the Hooded Mergansers! Hope you enjoyed the weekend!
Always good advice.
Great photos.
Sunset photos usually leave me cold, but these are terrific. It's obvious that you were indeed looking with "fresh attention and open eyes."
Laura, What a beautiful experience. I think I could make one comment that singularly expresses my take on life literally and metaphorically: It's all about the light.
That picture of the sunset is so beautiful it took my breath away! Wow! The Hooded Mergansers were lovely too but that sunset . . . wow!
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