Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Pine Barrens mystery

I took this pic back in late December during a visit to the cranberry bogs in South Jersey when I was looking for those elusive Tundra Swans. I'm pretty sure I've figured out what it is and understand now why I didn't find any birds that day. Guesses anyone? Have you come across any similar devices when out birding?


Mary said...

Sorry, Laura. I don't have a clue. I see either a telephoto lens or ammunition, a propane tank, all on a tripod. That's a goofy looking contraption, if you ask me!

Larry said...

Maybe the propane tank is searching for a gas grill to get hooked up to.-By the way-Is the Pine Barrens where the Jersey Devil lives.-Did you get a glimpse of it while you were there?

Anonymous said...

O my goodness! What the heck is this thing?? Your guess is as good as mine!

John B. said...

Perhaps a propane cannon to scare away the waterfowl? Maybe it's even triggered by motion sensors.

I have never encountered such a thing, but I do not think these are used in D.C.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

What the...?

NO clue!

LauraHinNJ said...

You're right John, I think! My husband told me what it is - I suspected as much. I thought it might be motion-sensitive, but I didn't see anything like that at the sites that sell these. They seem to be the kind of thing you start up and it blasts away every 40 seconds or so until it runs out of gas.

LauraHinNJ said...

Larry: Yes, the Jersey Devil is said to haunt the Pine Barrens. Haven't met up with it yet, thank heavens!

burning silo said...

I recognized it because I've seen them in use over crops. I've never seen one used in the water. I guess it would be used to keep water birds out of the cranberry bogs. Just for the heck of it, I did a search and found one just like it for sale on the net for $250. It says one cannon will protect approximately 1 to 5 acres depending on the topography of the field. Being used over water, I'd guess it would be effective at the high end of that area.

Susan Gets Native said...

John beat me to it.

Well, regardless....that just sucks. But at least people aren't out there shooting the birds out of the sky.

Patrick B. said...

The Jersey Devil has to grill its meat somehow.

I guess that's why the Tundra Swans weren't there?

ReluctantChickenFarmer said...

I could use one of those in my chicken coups ! I have been having such a problem with starlings this spring, getting into the coups and stealing and fouling (fowling) the water. Can't seem to keep them out. The little buggers and on my animal "hit list" along with the gophers....