Training for the new job starts tomorrow! My friends at work gave me quite a send-off this past week; there were multiple parties and lots of baked goods and gifts, leaving me to think maybe they’re glad to see me go.
Really, I’m not going far. I’ve been assigned to another office for a while, but I’m not sure where I’ll end up after the training period. You know how it is; with certain people you’ll be close regardless of the distance that separates you.
At day’s end today I boxed up my few things and tried to get my pending cases in some sort of order for my coworkers who will have to pick up where I left off. There’s no one to replace me right away, so everyone’s caseload will increase in my absence. I ought to be glad they weren’t throwing things at me as I left, for that reason alone.
Meaningful words of encouragement have come to me from surprising places. The reaction of some others to my promotion is not so surprising. I’ve been making the joke that I’m going over to the dark side by transferring to a social work position; among many caseworkers, social workers are often viewed as too softhearted and enabling. As a caseworker, my job was to know and to follow the rules – there wasn’t much room for leeway or kind-heartedness. It was also my job, I think, to know the loopholes in the law, or at least to know how to make the laws work for my clients. A lot of caseworkers don’t do that; everything is done by the book.
One of the awful questions I was asked during the interview process was to define a *good* social worker. Gosh! How could I answer that question without knowing much about the job? I mumbled some foolishness that must have been close enough to the *right* answer so as to not immediately flag me as inadequate, but really, I don’t know.
A clerical worker that I’ve known and respected since I first started at this job congratulated me today on the promotion and admonished me to be a *good* social worker, “Don’t be like most of ‘em,” she said. I hope tomorrow I’ll begin to learn just what that means.
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11 years ago
Laura, your good heart will lead you. Best of luck on this new path!
All the best, Laura.
You will rock. Promise.
Good luck in your new adventure. My daughter is working on her MSW, so I'll be interested to read how your new job goes.
I wish I had sparkling words of wisdom to give you, but I don't. I have made some job changes in my career--it is exciting as you head into the new work, but also a bit overwhelming--will you do well? can you figure out the best way to approach things, etc. etc.
Much success to you!
New opportunities are so exciting and scary at the same time! Best of luck to you-- I know you've got what it takes!
Blessings to you as you go forth on a new adventure.
Laura, have faith in yourself. I think you do. My take is that you will be a great asset. I'm touched that you had a very nice "send off". That means kudos for who you are.
I personally don't think a little kindness ever goes amiss. I'm so looking forward to hearing about your new job and your throughts on it. I hope it is a wonderful journey!
Hmmm... a *good* social worker. I suppose that is one that has a big heart, and so in that case, you are already there. :c)
Best of luck to you you begin your new journey. I can only offer this...I think your many yet-to-be met clients will be very blessed to have you for their social worker. God Bless!!
I have no doubt you'll be a *good* social worker--you have a great heart! Good luck and godspeed!
Good luck with the training and the new job. When I advised university students, it was important to know the policies, rules and regulations, so I could interpret and bend them when needed.
Best of luck Laura!
Good luck in your new job Laura. I hope you are blessed with good co-workers as I was in my last job change (they make all the difference in the world).
Best of luck-Many people get stuck at one job that they no longer enjoy.-Hope this job is an enjoyable one for you.
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