The good idea file is empty today, my camera battery needs recharging and I have all these photos of wildflowers from the Pine Barrens that I don't feel like writing about. So instead we'll have a little ID quiz with some hints for those of you that don't frequent NJ's bogs.
Many of the photos I took at Webb's Mill Bog last week look sort of *impressionistic* like this one; I didn't mean for it to be that way and instead think I may have had one too many cups of coffee that afternoon. I like the look anyway and I knew what these plants were so didn't need a tack sharp photo to help with ID. You don't really need it either, as the photo shows the relevant parts, but you do need to know that this is another carnivorous plant that grows in wet, sandy bogs.
Happy guessing!
a return Visit
11 years ago
I cheated and looked through online images--but had fun snooping around! (Begins with B and ends with T?)
What a sweet, loving little flower--hard to imagine it a carnivore!
Of course I don't have my newcombs on me and not that great with my wildflowers! Will have to go home and give this ID a try! Great quiz though!
Uh... well, nina's parenthetical gave me a good idea, but I never would've known on my own. So I'm not going to guess!
I will say that I would never have thought such a sweet-looking little yellow flower would be carnivorous! I knew about pitcher plants and sundews and flytraps--but I didn't know any other carniv plants -- until now!
... which leads me to a question I thought of after I'd hit the button: If you stick your finger into a carniv plant and keep it there, will the plant start digesting you?
Laura, I should know this but I haven't a clue. I'm going to look it up and see if I can find it's identity.
Is it Utricularia cornuta?
How could such an innocent looking flower be carnivorous?-
You should invest in lots of frames for your photos. I'm no help with the ID but I know enough that it deserves a frame.
That's a very pretty picture. Unfortunately, I've never visited a bog area, at least in spring when things are flowering. Is it the flower of a pitcher plant?
So spindly ... b-wort sounds good.
Nina: That's not cheating at all, I don't think. You're right anyway, or at least close!
Monarch: Let me know if you find it in Newcombs - I have a feeling you won't.
Delia: Ha! It's the sweet-looking ones you need to be concerned with!
Oh and maybe that's an experiment YOU ought to try!
Dorothy: Let me know if you've been able to find it.
rcwbiologist: You're right - thanks for not giving it away at the same time! Pretty isn't it?
Larry: I'm not sure I understand exactly how it works, but I don't think the flowers on bladderworts are the dangerous parts; they're just the lure. The bladder is often below water level and somehow sucks in the insect like a trap door.
Mary: Neat, huh?
RuthieJ: This is a horned bladderwort which maybe only grows in bogs. I've found swollen bladderwort to be much more common in quiet ponds and streams - so maybe it occurs somewhere outside of the pine barrens environment, I'm not sure.
FC: You're right, too! Do you have these in Fla.? Can you explain how they work?
Thanks for playing along everyone.
Let's see....begins with a "b" and ends with a "t"....
Bug Snort?
Bag Squirt?
Bill Snart?
Bug snot! That's it! Thanks, Susan! ;)
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