Just me rambling about birds, books, bunnies, or whatever!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jonquils (aka Daffodils to us more Northern folks) sent by a friend from a place where Spring sounds to be making a bit more headway.
Thanks J. for this peak at what's to come. Spring will arrive and it'll be more beautiful than we remember. Can there be anything sweeter than unexpected flowers from far away?
Oh, I didn't know that daffodils and jonquils were the same thing, and I'm originally a more southern folk. I learn something new every time I visit your blog!
It is such a thrill to receive them! And daffodils are the happiest of flowers.
I can smell their subtle honey! I swear!
Oh Spring!
Oh, I didn't know that daffodils and jonquils were the same thing, and I'm originally a more southern folk. I learn something new every time I visit your blog!
I didn't know it, either. Always Daffodils!
Daffydils at our house. And I think they smell like honey too.
Or if you are British, "Daffy-Don-Dillies" Or something like that.
I can't even FIND my daffodils. Too much &*%$^* snow.
I love their fresh yellow color. But I'm with Susan and trying not to be "grumpy" but it's hard when I can't even take a walk in the back yard yet.
That splash of yellow is just what I need here on a sometime sunny but VERY COLD winter's day.
California dreaming. . .on such a winter's day.
Pretty pretty! We got our first bunch in the house today and they are beginning to open.
We live where huge fields of first daffodils, then tulips, and finally iris are grown and bloom. Makes for an incredible March - May!!!
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