I met this handsome Lab last weekend at Sandy Hook. He/she looked much like any other Lab out for a walk on a sunny day: friendly, goofy, a bit bored with the lack of any cookies or tennis balls to chase...

These two stared at each other for a bit, the Lab whining some and wanting to give chase. I learned an important lesson; if there are no cookies to grab the dog's eye, a small furry creature like a fox (or a squirrel) will do to get *that* look on the face of a Lab.
It's a magnificent picture and yes, a furry creature will give that look. When show dogs are photographed, there is almost always someone standing to the side out of the frame squeeking a toy and making it drop in just the right spot to get *that* look! Using a real fox is not east a dog shows! :)
Both really great photos!
And a neat little story. wish I'd been there to observe it.
You can tell by that fox's face that it knows it can outwit any old black lab!
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