The time that holds the greatest interest for me is from late August until the middle of November: the fabled fall migration period. The variety of habitats: ocean and bay, salt marsh, freshwater ponds, dark swamps, woodlands and upland fields all attract a diverse array of migrants... hordes of butterflies and dragonflies, hawks and falcons, shorebirds, songbirds, bats, seabirds, owls - you name it!
Conveniently, the New Jersey Audubon Society throws out the welcome mat at one of the best times to experience migration at Cape May for its Autumn Weekend this year on October 24, 25, and 26.
Some of The Flock are getting restless and making preliminary plans to attend. Susan and KatDoc are driving from Ohio (and will hopefully avoid a stop in Camden), Lynne, I think, will cash in the ticket she bought last year and fly all the way from Minnesota (Yay!).
Other Flock members are saving their pennies for New River in April, but maybe they can be convinced otherwise. Mary, Delia, Susan, Nina, Ruthie, Jayne (can that be? Really, you're gonna come?) - why not join us in Cape May, too? That farmhouse in W. Va. is gonna be pretty crowded and loud I think!
I'm also thinking maybe we should harass Larry into making the trip or Dave (hey - Alaska's not that far and we could all get to meet Ghost!). Maybe Bobbie could join us for lunch and what about Heather in Pa.? The more the merrier!
I'll sneak away there at least once before October - for the Monarchs that breeze past the lighthouse or the falcons that scream down along the dunes. I just can't resist... there's something in the air.
I'm doing my best to get to New River Laura. Waiting to hear about accommodations as the Farmhouse is full already. :c) Hopefully looking forward to meeting you and everyone else. Wish Cape May was in the cards, but with the $$ crunch, driving to WV may be all I can manage.
How sweet of you to want to include me. I can't promise, but I am honored that you thought of me with so many wonderful bloggers. It would be fun to meet you.
I just read a recent article (can't remember where) about the conflict between people who want to keep bird sanctuaries intact in Cape May, and folks who don't.
Thus it ever was.
People want to preserve nature; others want to march forward in "progress."
I'll see the beauty of Cape May through your eyes, Laura, and look forward to seeing you in April. The Farmhouse will be rocking :o)
I can't WAIT for Cape May. Laura, I am 4 species away from hitting 200 on my Life List - can you help me reach that goal?
Pretty much any shore birds, terns, or gulls will get me there. How about Black Skimmers for #200?
KatDoc: (laugh) Skimmers are easy! There's always a nice group that hangs out; this is typical for early October. The numbers diminish by month's end, but there's still plenty of them to be seen. Terns are easy, too. As are shorebirds and gulls, but neither is a strong point for me.
4 lifers should be a breeze, I think.
Mary: You gotta give me credit for trying!
KGMom: That sounds almost ridiculous to me... can't iamgine Cape May without its set aside lands.
Bobbie: I think it'd be fun and would love the chance to meet you!
Jayne: I hope do can manage it - heck - Susan could always sleep on the couch or something.
Hang on- I'm commin'!!
Duh - bad math. I mean I am 4 Life Birds away from hitting 300 species; I am at 296 now.
~Kathi, who is often stymied by numbers
I sure wish I could afford 1 more bird festival in 2008, but alas no pay raise for this hard-workin' vendor this year (*#%^!) I'm looking forward to excellent posts from all of you in October!
Hey, really? I don't blog, I don't count my birds, but I'd love to make Cape May my first official birding experience if you hip chicks would be willing to take me under your wing (oh, I promise, no more bad puns).
Then you guys could come visit Chanticleer which is practically in my backyard.
Wayne, PA
Heather: Yes! Come! We can start your life list!
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