Most are way too over the top and garish for me to do anything but gape in a sort of childlike wonder. Bubble lights! Penguins! Glittery stuff! Fake snow!
My tastes for home are much simpler, but by God I've got tons of decorations! Each year a different bunch of boxes is hauled down from the attic and I feel as if I've never seen most of it before because it's been so many years since I last used whatever is in that particular box.
I have a particular weakness for glass ornaments and try very hard to avert my eyes and avoid displays like this one! A store around the corner from me has a wall solid with nothing bu

I only looked long enough to find a sweet little shorebird; a group that is poorly represtented among the bird ornaments on my tree. That was my excuse for buying it at least.
Today wasn't entirely wasted on ogling; I did manage to buy a few gifts. Not many, but it's a start at least.
How many shopping days left?
4 or 5--depending if you count Sunday as a shopping day! Time was no store was open on Sunday. No more--blue laws are all gone. Actually they lasted a long time here in conservative central PA.
With a display of glass ornaments such as in your photo you are lucky to escape with only ONE buy.
Laura, I finished my shopping in a total of four hours on Thursday and Friday. That time included gazing at sparkle :o)
We did some shopping at Costco ... oh lordy. So much cool stuff ... and all soooo much in such big containers at such a reasonable price ... like, for example, Almond Roca - you get must be FOUR times as much for $10 as you get at the grocery store! Wow - two whole punds of sugar and fat for just $10! Yummmm !!!!!!!!!
Totally lose your senses in there!
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