Just me rambling about birds, books, bunnies, or whatever!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Winter playground
A couple iceboats on the river late this afternoon evicted the gulls from their usual loafing spots on the ice. Click on the pic to see how handsome he is - even for a sleepy gull.
I'm waiting for more sun and the big boats this weekend...
Some nice pics from yesterday can be found at Red Bank Green. I stole a couple to include here...
I especially liked this silly dog chasing a skater...
and this wide view of the scene taken from mid-river.
Love these photos and the two on ice . . . perfect (Love the lighting)
Love these photos and the two on ice . . . perfect (Love the lighting)
Will The Rocket come out??? I hope, I hope ...
Really great pictures. I love the dog. Bet he skidded all over.
I just love the photo of the dog chasing a skater. That's wonderful. And it looks like wonderful fun, too. Great shot!
Carolyn h.
Must be so much fun to be in such an open area skating with the city in the background. Very nice.
What fantastic pics of everyone enjoying the frozen river!
I agree--I love the photo of the dog.
When do you have the ice racing event?
I remember your fun last year! I hope you have great weather for this event. Your photos are fabulous, Laura.
I was almost one of those boats today going out to fill the feeders....
I've never seen anything like this. What fun! :)
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