I'm guessing there won't be any more snow this season; not that there was much to speak of anyway. I miss the blizzards we used to get when I was a kid, when everything would be buried and the neighborhood was transformed for a couple days.
Anyway... I took this pic back in late January at one of my favorite parks. I'm looking forward to finding meadowlarks in that field next month.
a return Visit
11 years ago
Looks like the snow we used to get here. Nothing this year at all. Bulbs are already blooming - earlier than usual.
it was ALWAYS snowier when we were kids!
I understand. So many good memories were made on a Flexible Flyer.
I'm thinking (hoping) that we might get one good 'NorEaster that will dump a foot of snow in early March (then it will melt in just a few days).
I have pictures of me in my Easter dress, white patent leather shoes, and a bonnet (of course) on our front step -- with over a foot of snow piled behind me.
When I was older, my dad and I would go out to shovel (where was my sister?), and I would try to get into the cars without knocking any snow off of them. Inside the car, it was like a snow fort -- dark, quiet, other-wordly.
Wayne, PA
Lovely picture. I hope you will make another visit when the meadowlarks are there.
I would love one big storm to end the winter with!
Still more snow on the ground here - but - I am starting a few seeds :)
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