That's an Appaloosa! Pretty much developed by the Nez Perce Indians long ago in the eastern high country of the Pacific Northwest. That area is known as the Palouse and is where the horse got its name. The Palouse is where Washington State University is!
They are a distinguished looking breed!
Chief Joseph was the last great Nez Perce Chief and is famous for his quote - "I will fight no more forever".
Laura's gone giddy because the sun is shining and is out looks at horse's a**es. That's awesome. If you are going to appreciate the back end of a hose, you could do worse than a freckled one.
That horse has the prettiest butt I've ever seen! lol beautiful picture!
That's an Appaloosa! Pretty much developed by the Nez Perce Indians long ago in the eastern high country of the Pacific Northwest. That area is known as the Palouse and is where the horse got its name. The Palouse is where Washington State University is!
They are a distinguished looking breed!
Chief Joseph was the last great Nez Perce Chief and is famous for his quote - "I will fight no more forever".
NW History 101 ....
Laura's gone giddy because the sun is shining and is out looks at horse's a**es. That's awesome.
If you are going to appreciate the back end of a hose, you could do worse than a freckled one.
Horses make me happy, too. Freckled or not ;-)
The whole shot is nice, and yes, those spots are stunning.
(cute as a horse's @**?)
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