Our orange flamer has a bit of Spanish flair to it... the genus name is Castilleja. This name honors the great Spanish botanist Domingo Castillejo, who plucked plants in the 18th century. The specific epithet is coccinea, which means scarlet - a fitting descriptor for our showy hemiparasite.
Many believe the brilliant orange floral parts to be flower petals. No, they are not. The eye-catching sprays of orange are in fact brightly colored bracts, which are modified leaves that subtend the true flowers. And it's a good thing the paintbrush is adorned with those festive bracts, as the true flowers are greenish bits of nothingness.
Another reason that the Wood Lily is conspicuous is that it is our only native Lilium in which the flowers are held perfectly upright. All of the others droop or nod.
Suffer a spider bite lately? Native Americans would have you believe that this is the cure... they ground up Wood Lily plants and made a thick paste, which was then slathered onto the area affected by the spider bite.
The allure of lilies dates to the beginnings of the written word... witness this quote from the bible: "... Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." (Matthew 6:28-29)
That wood lily is gorgeous! I love orange. Have a lot of day lilies myself - a LOT of them. And they all came from a couple of small volunteers I found one spring in the grass.
Interesting note about the spider bites.
That Indian Paintbrush doesn't look very big. How big is it?
Pretty! Lots of orange this morning.
Lovely glowing plant life--I would have said "flowers" but you educated me.
Lilies always look like fireworks to me. :)
Friends brought me namesake lilys from Holland once ... they always bloom and are pretty special!
You're such a "plant geek". I love it.
Um... who possessed Laura's body and wrote this crap? Did someone break into her blogger account? Hello? Laura? The info is interesting... but you quoted the BIBLE? Hello?
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