-- Albert Einstein
Twinflowers are tiny! That I'd somehow spotted a miniature forest of them blanketing a spot of sun in the cool damp woods of Northern Michigan was the first miracle. Surviving the swarms of mosquitos long enough to get a couple shots was the next.
Beautiful Laura! Love the water drop coming off the bloom. :c)
Don't you just love those tiny little things? (The flowers, not the mosquitoes!)
Thank you for braving the skeeters for that amazing shot!
We saw twinflowers in Spearfish Canyon, in the Black Hills of SD a couple of weeks ago. They are the neatest little flowers, I didn't have the camera with the macrolens, drat!
What you got pictures of is just what we saw, complete with the water droplet...very nice!
Ah! My favorite plant!
Carolus Linnaeus
Beautiful! I found these once in the woods, years ago, but never again.
I can't imagine a carpet of them.
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