Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Armadillo in sunlight

All I know about armadillos I know from FC and Bear, yet I couldn't help feeling slightly enchanted by this bumbling creature...


jason said...

I love armadillos! Thankfully they're quite common here and aren't at all difficult to find.

What a gorgeous shot, Laura!

MojoMan said...

Sadly, my primary memory of armadillos from when I lived in Florida is how common they were as roadkill. They were so common crunched on the roads that a body of jokes grew around them: How many GA Bulldogs does it take to eat armadillo? Three. One to eat and one to watch for traffic in each direction.

bobbie said...

good shot! I've never seen one face to face.

KGMom said...

Gotta love a creature with plates of armor and perky ears.

LauraHinNJ said...

Thanks Jason... I was hoping to spot one and actually ran across a couple.

Mojoman: Yeah... I've heard the same thing about them; that their habit is to jump straight up to bumper-height.

Bobbie: I've also read that they're expanding their range northward... all we need is another critter digging in the veggie garden, right?

KGMom: I couldn't resist touching that armor, just out of curiosity... funny thing is that their bellies are furred.