They don't get much worse than this, but it's a life bird for me! If you dare guess...
Pic taken somewhere in the Apalachicola National Forest in freezing cold Florida.
a return Visit
11 years ago
Just me rambling about birds, books, bunnies, or whatever!
Oh, I've seen quite a few of those.
Well ... it appears to be a bird.
Oh wait--there IS a bird there! I thought you'd captured a Common Vanishing Bird!
Um--wren of some sort?
Yes, there is a bird there (somewhere!)
Not a wren, no.
Oh - there it is! Thought you were kidding there for a while. No guess at all. But I'm glad it's a life bird for you.
I can see the bird! Haven't a clue what it might be.
Brown-headed Nuthatch?
Apalachicola National Forest? Must be a Red-cockaded Woodpecker.
Darn that chickadee you were trying to get in flight!!! Happens to me several times a week. I love it.
I'm with Patrick. The tree appears to be a longleaf pine*, the needles of which are ~ 13"long. That would give a bird size about 4". The bird looks stocky with a short tail.
That's my guess, brown-headed nuthatch.
(*that plant geek stuff is paying off!)
The prize goes to Patrick (for his powers of logical elimination, I'd guess!)
Extra credit if you can say Apalachicola five times fast.
I have a couple of very nice photos just like this...of an invisible broad-tailed hummingbird!
Caroline: lol!
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