Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bad bird photo of the week

(mostly in focus, tho!)


Caroline said...

I have a lovely tailfeathers shot of my violet-green swallow male leaving after feeding chow to young'uns. I was trying for the other end. You make me feel better :o)

RG said...

It's either a hummingbird on the way up or a tern on the way down.

LauraHinNJ said...

Caroline: I'm glad we can commiserate together! There were some nice shots, which I'll share, but most were like this... and there was much cursing of my camera.

; )

Rabbit's Guy: Yes, a tern on the way down!

New Jersey Memories said...

It's so hard to photograph birds because just when you're ready to take the picture they fly away!

Dave Dorsey said...

LOL! I got lots of photos like that.