The Anhinga, a silent bird who lives mainly in the silent places of the wildnerness... |
A weekend visit in late January to St. Marks and Wakulla Springs brought close looks at some of Florida's most magical and strange birds. Most everything one sees in Florida feels exotic. It's the setting, for sure... everything mist-laden and draped with Spanish moss...
Focus on the dagger-like bill, used to impale fish. Yikes! |
But there's something, also, about the birds themselves that works on me. Many are new to me... "lifers" as birders would say. They're also confiding for some reason... "tame" almost. The photographer in me enjoys this chance to get close without too much disturbance to the bird. Being able to ponder the ribbing on the outer tail feathers of an Anhinga, for example, or that acutely-pointed bill...
An apple snail specialist... |
The boat ride at Wakulla Springs was a treat... close-up views of manatees and my first-ever January Osprey. The Limpkin (above) was the best find, though... a cool looking bird that I'd heard described as a very large Rail with the habits of an Ibis. I mistook a juvenile White Ibis for a Limpkin the last time I was in Florida... so I need to get to know both species better.
There's a visit to South Florida planned for late next month, which will require learning a couple new wading birds... I can't wait!