A few of us girls: Susan, Mary, Lynne, Naturewoman and me are planning to meet at this year's Bird Show in Cape May 10/26-10/28. Maybe you'd like to join our merry gang for a day or an hour or two? The bigger the flock the mer

Kind of strange, but I came across this pic of me, back when I had short hair - at least I think it's me - on a website while I was searching around for some info on Cape May. I've been going down for years, but don't remember when this was. I remember that purple coat, though. The guy standing behind me must be the hawk counter; he looks very serious about it, doesn't he?
Anyway girls, we need to get some plans together! The Fall will be here before we know it. Be in touch, okay?
I so SO wish I could go just to meet you ladies. But the timing isn't good for me. Sigh...
Laura, I was just thinking about Cape May! You are a tease...
We need to start talking about plans. I know Lynne has had some interested parties inquire...
I just added that link to my favorites and I'll read about it.
I need a nice vacation with THE FLOCK. Can't wait!
I can't wait!! I got some terrific information from Amy Hooper at Wildbird Magazine. I'll be froewarding that info along to you guys. RuthiJ from is thinking about joining us too.
I've bookmarked your link. Thanks!!
I think I've shown GREAT self-restraint in not obsessing too much! :)
I need to get my butt in gear and make reservations. I haven't decided if I will fly or drive. If I fly, I have to rent a car. If I drive, I will be in a car for like 11 hours.
What a fun time you're going to have in Cape May in October.
I hope everyone is able to make it!
Sounds like such fun!
It does sound like fun--my fall activity, however, is going to Penn State football games! Really. We have been season ticket holders for almost 30 years. And Joe Paterno has been coach longer than that!
Aw, Man! That sounds like so much fun. Dang. Think. Think. Think. Wish I were 10 years younger and feeling a bit more adventurous.
At least the rest of us will get to see the pictures and enjoy it vicariously :0)
I'm there! I better register too....
Grrr... frustrated by lack of registration info on that site... help?
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