I wanted just to share this pic of my *bog* garden - isn't it monstrous?! Every year I warn myself not to let it get out of hand and it gets away from me anyway. The Joe-Pye Weed is beginning to bloom and is almost as tall as our new gazebo. The goldenrod and swamp hibiscus are just as tall. The purple loosestrife needs to be cut before it has a chance to make seeds. Down low under all that shade are a few plants struggling to find some sun and have a chance to survive.
Our plan had been to have an early dinner and head down to the beach for some surf fishing with my husband's brothers, but he lost track of time and I took a longer than expected nap. Oh well. At least I had a few minutes in the garden with a nice breeze and the company of the fireflies. Wish the weekends didn't go so fast!
Weekends are so precious and so fleeting. It sounds like you've made good use of yours - everything ship shape and lovely.
You've got lightning bugs already!? You probably have the humidity we're experiencing on Cape Cod too. "Wilt."
Your bog garden is beautiful - the work and patience do pay off, don't they?
I like the wild garden look.
Cathy: My husband made good use of the weekend - I was a slug!
Yes - we have lightning bugs - but no cicadas or katydids yet. Seems strange and quiet for midsummer.
John: I like it too. Wish it weren't quite so tall, though!
I don't know where the weekends go, but I'm glad you had a relaxing one!
Love your wild looking garden Laura!
Love the garden; would you like to come landscape my yard? :)
Also, thanks for pointing out the purple loosestrife. I'd never known what it looked like.
I heard a cicada yesterday for the first time this year. I hadn't missed it until then and then realized they should have been singing long before this.
We've had fireflies for quite a few weeks but they are not as numerous as past years.
A nap, good for you!!
It's monstrous alright! But very inviting and beautiful, Laura. Your plants look healthy - not wilted like ours.
We all need a day to bum around. And I agree with your Sunday sentiments. Sundays have never been popular with me since I don't like weekends to end :o)
I think it looks enchanting.
That's a very enticing photo; sounds like a great little spot. I love Joe-Pye - but unfortunately so do our deer.
Your bog garden is beautiful Laura!
Sounds like you needed a good rest Sunday, that's a good thing. Weekends do end too soon. I'd like to know who decided weekends should be 2 days and weeks should be 5 days long? There's something wrong with that picture.
What a gorgeous setting!
The garden looks great - it has a natural feel which i like. We've had fireflies for several weeks, but I just heard the first cicada last friday, which seemed a bit late.
Wow, Laura, is that your backyard? It's lovely & looks like a wonderful place to relax and read a good book.
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