Vicki at A Mark on My Wall likes to refer to the people in her blogroll as her *neighborhood* and I'm stealing her jargon to point out some interesting posts you may have missed.
I don't know about you, but when I decide to peruse another's blogroll, I tend to start at the top and may never find my way down to the very bottom of the list. Because my list is alphabetical, I worry that you may be missing out on some fantastic blogs.
Way down at the end of the alphabet is Whorled Leaves, the nature reading blog I contribute to. We've been pretty quiet of late, but I have to suggest a book to the group in another month or two and would love some ideas from you all of a few good, nature-inspired books for our group to read and blog about together.
Walking the Berkshires is written by Tim, a friend at Whorled Leaves, and he recently wrote about a walk in the November woods that I found very beautiful. He's starting a new blog carnival that he's calling Cabinet of Curiosities to showcase the oddities in your attic. Tim's blog is great fun for the history buff and I can also imagine Donna enjoying his occasional tales of his time spent in Africa.
Dave at Via Negativa recently wrote about a golden eagle that dropped into his family's property in Pennsylvania. Check out the curve of those talons in the opening photo - spectacular! Dave stops by here from time to time and of late has been leaving haiku comments on the blogs he favors. Gotta love a poet!
FC at Pure Florida writes about all things.... well... Florida and this post momentarily (mostly that opening photo) made me think he had paid a visit to NJ. I love visiting his blog for the chance to read about *our* birds that have gone away, plus he finds the best things on his adventures.
Did you catch the current issue of the Festival of the Trees at Windywillow? (Scroll down as the there are two posts for this issue). The deadline for the December issue is the 29th of November. Submission guidelines can be found at the festival's homepage.
Lastly, I'm obliged to mention that Mike at 10,000 Birds has a book giveaway offer for Bird: The Definitive Visual Guide which he reviewed here. Stop by to read the giveaway rules.
Whew - it's a busy neighborhood!
a return Visit
11 years ago
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood--won't you be my neighbor.
Such a warm word--neighbor.
And of course there is that age old question--who is my neighbor?
Laura, I consider you to be one of my best neighbors. Like Donna said, "such a warm word."
I'd love to visit your neighbors but I can even keep up with my own!!!
You are exceedingly kind to mention me, Laura. Glad to be your neighbor.
Now Mike's got me thinking about my favourite bird species...and what I might write.
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