Today was the type of Spring day I wait for... perfectly warm, a Friday, payday... and a chance to sneak off work early and hit the beach for a couple hours...
Because it's nesting season for beach birds, Luka could only run on the bay side of Sandy Hook, but run he did! He swam some, too, and came across a couple mating horseshoe crabs floating in the flooded marsh. I guess this is the first full moon of the spring and the tide was very high, and well, the horseshoe crabs were doing their thing. Nice to see. I don't know what it is about dogs and horseshoe crabs, but Luka barked and growled and was afraid like every other dog I've ever had.
He was in his element there, in the marsh, tasting the prickly pear cactus and chewing sticks after I tossed them into the water for him. He really wants to be a bird dog, I think, and he certainly looks the part, finally, when he's in the water.
I had to hold him by the collar for a pic of us two... he was sopping wet at this point and had just run off with two complete strangers... such a friendly dog; I think he'd wander along with anyone so long as it looked like they were about to do something fun.
Speaking of fun... a girl after my own heart... searching a tidal pool for hermit crabs. Look at those wellies! She was careful to warn me not to be fooled by snails.
One of my favorite sunset views... the osprey platform in the far distance is occupied, as is usual, but the residents went off fishing soon after I arrived. Some brant are still around, but the calls of oystercatchers have replaced those of oldsquaw echoing across the bay. I found towhees in the holly forest, but no willets overhead, yet. It's not properly Spring without the call of the willet.
a return Visit
11 years ago
This entire post just made me feel good Laura. :c) Such a sweet photo of you and Luka. Such a warm feeling there at Sandy Hook.
Thank you for letting us share your afternoon off. I had a great time on the beach with you and Luka.
Looks like a fantastic day! Totally cool!
I wanna live in NJ.
(Did I just say that out loud?)
Laura--I love the portrait of you and Luka! Such a good mom and dog photo.
Also lovely sunset photo.
That looks like a perfect beach. I don't sunbathe and prefer quiet beaches. It would be so nice to live near an ocean!
What a grand spring outing and pix!
It snowed here :<(
I wish to be there with you. So peaceful, beautiful, and relaxing with you, curly, and Luka and his dog joy. I'd love to visit NJ to see the best of it.
That's it, I'm moving to Jersey! (Let's just hope Kat agrees!)
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