Silly me didn't plan far enough ahead to schedule visits for this week; which means I'm chained to the desk, to this view, for the whole long week. It's a good thing, really. I'm feeling almost caught up now, ready to cope with whatever curveballs my clients try to toss my way.
I sort of moved in today, finally, after a year at this desk. I brought some things I love... things to make me smile, things that comfort me, things that let me feel content in this place without a view of the outside, things that remind me of happy times spent elsewhere. Honestly, I'm coveting the recently-vacated window cubicle, tho the view is far from spectacular; at least there is sight of the sky and some green and growing things. I'll stay here anyway, on the aisle, subject to whoever happens by with something to amuse me. The distractions are constant... homemade brownies! ... bochinche (gossip) that I'd missed... the boss asking me into her office, the phone forever ringing.
What I'd really like is to be free of all of this... to have the summers I remember as a kid... the sun and the sand and the ocean. Freedom... freedom from being responsible to anything but what brings joy and makes me smile.
This morning, on my hike from the parking lot, there were coworkers gawking and pointing at the dozen or so turkey vultures warming their wings on the roof of the building, waiting for some warmth to lift them aloft... waiting for something to carry them away from the needs and obligations of their mundane everyday life.
Nice, cozy little workplace. Truly I liked it a lot :)
Whew--you had me worried with that post title.
Oh the joys of modern office work--a cubicle; no window; passers-by.
But at least you have a job; you can bring in items to personalize; and you can plan to "escape" with outside calls.
I had a co-worker once who had NOTHING personal in his office or on his desk. It was downright creepy.
Right away I had to click to enlarge your photo so I could snoop around and see what you have there that speaks of you. First thing I noticed was that you titled that photo "the dungeon"
HA! ThenI found your pictur of the bunnies.
What's bochinche?? Never heard that word.
Laura, have I told you lately that I love you? :)
You're so right about missing the summers of our childhoods. It's cruel of adults to teach kids from K through college that life is divided into 9-month schoolyears with a 3-month vacation, and then when we graduate, they take the vacation away! We probably all suffer from this almost 20 years of training to live one way, then having to break that training to live in the "real world." It's so unfair!
I enlarged the photo to snoop around, too :o)
I had a cube in Delaware and I liked it. No window and no privacy to speak of, either, but they are fun to decorate. Easy to organize. I like yours - it looks like you have partial privacy, at least.
I want to be relieved of working duties, too. Not just for the summer, but for good. I have not had a real vacation in years. I just finished reading a blog by a lady in Maryland who spent a few days in Ocean City, MD. Her photos of the beach scenes, surf, and some familiar places made my heart ache.
Hurrumph. And I thought this post would be juicier.
: ) You stinker.
As you are chained to your desk, I am on my way to Paradise.
(small Neener, Neener)
I noticed your photo of the bunnies....I have that magnet you sent me on my fridge. I look at it every day.
: ^ )
Sekhar: Not quite cozy - I'd like it to be a lot quieter!
KGMom: Right... if I didn't have a job there'd be nothing for me to complain about!
Lynne: You snooped?
'Bochinche' is Spanish (Dominican slang, actually) for gossip. There's often lots of that.
Delia: I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're exactly right. No wonder I'm so cranky sometimes... I need the summer off!
Mary: Another snooper!
There's no privacy... I'm right on the main aisle.
There is an empty cube with a window that I have my eye on though. I dread the thought of moving all my crap.
Susan: Hey! Enjoy your time in paradise while I slave away at the desk.
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