Autumn is my favorite time of year and I'm happy for the hint of it the last couple nights have brought. The air is almost crisp and there's a tinge of ripening apples drifting in the open windows; the stale humid air of summer is a memory on nights like these. It makes me want to head out the door after midnight, down the road and to the beach, to feel the cool sand underfoot and to look at the moon and the stars and the sea with its ever-changing moods.
During daylight hours, it's still high summer. Wet shells shine in the noon sun and the air smells of coconut oil; the slap of flip-flops is the soundtrack, the atmosphere like an amusement park. Nights though, and Autumn, bring relief. Relief from all that energy and heat and all these people. The beach can be mine again.
Cropped out of this pic is the ice and snow that decorated the bay on the January day it was taken. Also cropped out is any sense of scale; this is a remote-controlled toy sailboat. I watched a bunch of *grown-up* men playing with them in the midst of a snow squall... proof that many of us are so enamored with the coast and its many pleasant pastimes that seasons or weather can hardly keep us away; we pretend our way through the meantime.
Nice post Laura.
But what amazed me is the crop of the photo. I thought it was a real boat. Kudos, keep it up :)
Our mornings are now in the mid to high 60's... almost cold with the weather we've been having! The mornings are also darker... yep, autumn is just around the corner. Love the photo Laura.
"The beach can be mine again." Oh, I know that feeling.
Very clever cropping, Laura.
This August has been atypical here in central PA--lovely cool days that invite us to open all the house windows and keep them open.
Very fall like--as I said, atypical. But I love it!
Spot-on about the katydids. Today, though, has felt like Autumn all day here in central PA.
Our PA autumn-like weather has been wonderful! I've got fall fever now, ready to break out the turtlenecks and sweatshirts!
Sekhar: Thanks... playing with pics is half the fun here.
Jayne: Yeah... I haven't really felt the shortening days yet.
Bobbie: Okay, so tell me? Is September your favorite *summer* month, too?
KGMom: Me too... probably a tease tho.
Dave: I've hardly heard them yet... I wonder that it's not warm enough yet or that there'll be a very late first frost... (that six weeks lore)
Delia: Me too, but I don't miss real shoes or the thought of socks! Ick.
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