Susan seems to think I have all these fabulous photos to share with you from our visit with Delia. Well... I don't. I carried that darn camera with me everywhere and was distracted with laughing most of the time and didn't get very many nice pics. But, there is this one from Delia's backyard - isn't it fabulous? As much as I love being near to the shore, I can easily imagine myself happy to have a view like this out my kitchen window. I've no idea what type of trees those are up on top of that mountain, but if they ever turn green or in the fall are colored with reds and yellows, and oranges - wow! Delia called that a 'hill' rather than a mountain, by the way, but to me used to the coast it all seemed pretty spectacular. Please click on the pic to enlarge!
It was really neat to see the places that Delia blogs about. It felt to me like she lives in the middle of nowhere, but that must come from my being too accustomed to traffic and noise and people. Made me wonder what in the world they do with themselves! But then I remembered when I first started reading Delia's blog and she talked about building her own scope from scratch for birding, and then making an adapter for her camera for the scope she finally bought, and her posts about moon and starwatching, and all the time she spends birding in the marsh that's in her backyard. Anyway... it seems like a nice life there in the 'hills' - even if there's only one Dunkin Donuts within a hundred miles and you have to pump your own gas!
(Don't ask - I'm sure Susan will embarass me with that story - even if she doesn't have photos!)
So, we spent a couple hours ambling through the marsh, talking and laughing like old friends - which felt really nice - and doing the things that birders and naturalists like to do. Only we weren't really serious about it, or didn't bother trying to pretend to be serious. We just had fun in that easy way that near strangers can when they share a common interest. We scared up lots of ducks with our laughter, and thought of Lynne when we saw a TV, puzzled over some bloody feathers along the trail, spotted a stinker for Mary as it flew over the marsh, Susan and Delia chimped their way through a pile of canine scat - while I kept my fingers clean behind the camera! Good, clean fun... but for the picking through poop - come on girls! Yuck.
In the end, I came away feeling like a 10 year-old, jumping through mudpuddles with the silliness of it all. Who in their right mind drives all that way to show support for a friend, misses the main reason for going to begin with, and then is perfectly happy with a few hours of backyard birding and wet muddy feet before a long ride back home? (Click here for the story and opposite view of this pic.)
What I mean to say is that I'm so often amazed with the friendships that've developed as a result of this silly blogging we all do, yet furthering those friendships beyond just reading one another's blogs feels like a very natural extension of the connections we've made here. I think to others who don't 'get it', it must all seem pretty peculiar, yet we bloggers all carry around little bits of each other and one another's lives, don't we? Going out of our way a bit and meeting in 'real life' makes it feel almost like a homecoming of sorts. Or a 20 year class reunion... you remember these people, but you're surprised with how your memory of them has changed since you last saw them (or read their most recent post.)
a return Visit
11 years ago