My friend Janet and I are beginning to think that we're something like good-luck charms for each other when it comes to getting life birds.
The last time we saw each other in May for the World Series of Birding it was a Cape May Warbler. The time before that, also on World Series Day, it was a Eurasian Collared Dove and a Wilson's Plover.
Today it was this little beauty: an Orange-Crowned Warbler. Pretty, huh?
This bird belongs out west and is pretty common there from what I've read. There's one at Sandy Hook most winters, but I've not ever bothered to chase it, thinking that it must be dull and drab and skulky and not worth the effort.
It was a bit skulky, of course, but its color stood out nicely against the winter browns of the faded goldenrod and leafless, but still lethal, poison ivy.
Neither of us could take very much credit for finding the bird; it'd been reported for a while and someone stopped into the bird observatory this morning during my stint there and told me exactly where to look for it. Janet and I set out together around 2:30, chatting merrily away, and happened upon another birder with his scope trained on it. Very convenient!
All of this leaves me wondering if I shouldn't find more excuses to bird with a good-luck charm, or Janet.
a return Visit
11 years ago
Laura, you don't know me but I am a former resident of NJ (Princeton) who moved to FL 8 years ago. Native birds have become a speciality of mine. I invite you to visit my other website:
What a cutie! I think a birding good luck charm would be a very nice thing! Congrats on your find. :)
Consider yourself lucky, indeed. Most people around here would try to shoot and eat it. :-/
Cool little warbler, I'll have to look up its song. The last oddity we had here was an American Red Start. Interesting bird whose behaviour reminds me of a tropical bird I forgot the name of... Sorry.
I still love the lowly old Carolina Wrens - their songs are ubiquitous in the spring and summer.
Who cares how you got the photographs? They are lovely. What a find.
Wow, I need to borrow Janet for a bit. Maybe she can get me a snowy owl?
There's an orange-crowned warbler in Ohio right now. But I'm not chasing it.
Never underestimate the value of a good luck charm and/or Janet.
Even out here those are a hard find! Its song is in the "Bird Songs" audio book by Les Beletsky
Good friends simply are good luck, aren't they? :c) Sweet little warbler.
oooh, such pretty photos of such a lovely little bird. Eating poison ivy, he is! Yaggh!
Congrats on the find. For whatever reason, I too have better luck spotting birds when I have someone to go with me. Neat little bird...
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