Wednesday, November 24, 2010


All the chatter at work the last few days has been about the upcoming holiday meal and who's going where and cooking what.

It's a pretty diverse crowd and I've enjoyed hearing about everyone's plans for Thanksgiving as well as their family traditions. My own family is pretty typical, I'd guess... a huge meal on the fancy china, but the star of the show is always the variety of vegetables we prepare; we always go a little overboard in that way. It's hard for me to settle on a favorite, but Brussels Sprouts certainly top my list.

Is that weird?

(It seems like most everyone I talk to hates Brussels Sprouts!)

My answer is that if you don't like 'em, you must not be cooking them properly.

; )

So tell me... what's your favorite thing to eat on Turkey Day? Mashed potatoes piled high with butter? Or mixed with whipped turnips? Creamed (yuck!) onions? Lasagna? Arroz con gandules?


RG said...

Mincemeat Pie!

(But nobody else does so we never have it:<()

The Bunns prefer the russle sprouts and carrots!!

Happy Thanksgiving and keep on clicking - enjoy them!

NCmountainwoman said...

For me it's all about the turkey! We often have turkey breast throughout the year, but only at Thanksgiving do we have the whole bird. For my husband it's the spiced peaches and cranberry sauce.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

My favorite is my Mom's recipe for dressing. Ground beef, onions, celery, potato, sage ,mace.

Lené Gary said...

What a beautiful shot, Laura. Do you think you'll be posting your recipe? :)

Favorites are hard to identify... so many! I'll go with the cranberry apple sauce I make with maple & cinnamon.

Wren nests in... said...

Don't have T-day favorites (it's all good), but I too love brussels (plural?! - who knew?) sprouts! Steamed and buttered with a bit of seasoning is just fine with me...

KGMom said...

Sweet potatoes.

For my family--it's butterscotch pie that I am practically ordered to make every year.

Taradharma said...

my family loves Brussels sprouts. Favorite cooking method, slice thin, saute in butter. Add i shallots that have been browned in butter and candied by adding a tsp of sugar and tsp of vinegar. YUM!

I'm actually not a lover of turkey, so I'll make game hens or roast a chicken,

Mary said...

This is so funny - I ate a Brussel Sprount once when I was very young but not too young to remember I spit it out.

Oyster Stuffing. I haven't made it in a few years. Maybe for Christmas... My Mom's recipe.

LauraHinNJ said...

Are there real oysters in oyster stuffing?
