Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bad bird photo of the week

Scaup taking wing...
So I happened to come across this article about a local duck phenomenon and made it a point to find my way there today, in my traveling from one end of the county to another to see clients. For many years this was THE place to go locally for huge numbers of Scaup, but in the last couple of years, not so much. I'd drive by, over the Oceanic Bridge hopeful, but nothing the last few years.

I found them there today, but completely panicked when they all took off at once from the water...

It was really beautiful, though.

(Darn camera!)

; )


Anonymous said...

Hey..I have several photos that look just like this one :)

Caroline said...

Just pretend that you went into Photoshop and selected "pixelate". :o)

MevetS said...

If you woulda used a tripod ...


Susan Gets Native said...

That's not bad, Laura. I think it's kind of beautiful. Like a Monet.

RG said...

You sure that wasn't the remains of a scaup-flock-fight?

Beth in NYC said...

Artie Morris, bird photographer extraordinaire, calls this kind of photo a motion blur and he does these all the time. This one's really good!