Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cat pasttimes

Birdwatching with Belle. 

: )


LostRoses said...

So funny! Poor Belle won't have much chance with those birds thankfully. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Yes, I'm glad to be blogging again too!

KGMom said...

Is this a video for cats?

LauraHinNJ said...

Lost Roses: We like it that way!

KGMom: Sorta... we were watching a YouTube video about chimney swifts.

RG said...

Cat's screen saver!

New Jersey Memories said...

Just adorable!

Webtoad said...

I find it odd that the dog completely ignores the telly, but as soon as a bird or mouse in on the screen, the cat comes running. :-)

NCmountainwoman said...

Too cute! Direct TV is beginning a dog channel on August 1. The girls are quite excited.