No, there's no costume for Luka this year; he's cute enough without one. Scary is how quickly he's growing and getting near strong enough to pull me off my feet if he so chooses. At almost 5 months, he's a big boy; all bony elbows and long velvet ears. Most of his growth this past month seems to have been in the torso; he's gotten longer rather than taller and looks like some sort of hound dog rather than a Lab most times.
His favorite spot to perch is still in the windowsill behind the couch. I took his photo there this afternoon while we waited for some trick-or-treaters to arrive. None ever did and it's just as well because there's no candy in the house. I'm not sure what's going on with the kids in the neighborhood, but we haven't had trick-or-treaters for a few years.
Keeping this pup exercised enough to behave himself is still a challenge. I'd have him at the dog park every day if he didn't get filthy dirty at every visit. There's an acre of grass, but the dogs romp and play in the dirt at the entrance. Most days it's near midnight by the time I get around to a good long walk with him and we wander through the quiet neighborhood and slip into the park to watch the moon and listen for screech owls or the neighborhood great-horned pair.
He's a great shoe thief and gets an inordinate amount of joy from removing the laces on a pair of sneakers. He's been scolded for that so many times, but it only seems to add to his joy at doing it.
a return Visit
11 years ago