This photo of Cricket shows a pose that is very familiar to bunny owners. When a bunny is feeling particularly content and safe they will stretch all the way out with their feet behind them. A bunny can't get away quickly when they're in this position; in fact my big guys scrabble and slide around on the floor for a bit before they manage to get upright. Bunny people call this "happy feet" and think of it as the ultimate form of bunny relaxation.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
5/31/06 Mid-week bunny fix
This photo of Cricket shows a pose that is very familiar to bunny owners. When a bunny is feeling particularly content and safe they will stretch all the way out with their feet behind them. A bunny can't get away quickly when they're in this position; in fact my big guys scrabble and slide around on the floor for a bit before they manage to get upright. Bunny people call this "happy feet" and think of it as the ultimate form of bunny relaxation.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
whorled leaves reading group

Each member has a chance to suggest books for the upcoming month. July is my month and I've just posted my selections. Have a look and please participate there also with your ideas.
Monday, May 29, 2006
In praise of Viburnums

Viburnums, like this Linden Viburnum (Viburnum dilatatum) are my favorite woody shrubs. I love the way they bloom and are smothered in a veil of creamy white. The tiny flowers attract a nice variety of insects and in a good year they are covered with bright red berries in the fall. Their habit is upright and somewhat stiff; mine are massed in a group of three along the property line.
We moved these as mature plants when we put in the pond and just this year they seem to be coming in to their own again in leaf and flower, although they are in a more shaded location. We also used to have a doublefile viburnum, which was drop-dead gorgeous in bloom (but sterile), unfortunately that one did not survive the move. In its place, I've repeatedly planted another favorite viburnum: Smooth Witherod (Viburnum nudum) that has gorgeous pinkish/purple berries, but I can't seem to keep them alive. Of the two planted last fall, one is clearly dead and the other is struggling and has only managed to put out a half-dozen leaves. I'll have to decide what to replace them with; I'm thinking about a Cranberrybush Viburnum (Viburnum trilobum) which has a more *wild* habit, but beautiful fruit that is loved by birds.
If there is room for yet another plant in your shrub border, there is sure to be a variety of Viburnum that will suit your site - and the birds and bugs will thank you. :-)
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Along the Navesink
I went to the river today hoping for a breeze - summer seems to have arrived overnight. With summer in NJ comes overbearing humidity. Yuck. There was enough wind for a few sailboats to be out and many families were at the marina for probably the first time this season, readying for a day trip on the river to Sandy Hook or NY Harbor. A few kids were crabbing from the dock - seems a bit optimistic to me so early in the season. I was surprised to find barn swallows here, twisting and turning low over the water between the moored boats. I got only one pic before a swallow flew too close for it to have been an accident - it perched on the railing of the boat in the foreground and chittered at me for a moment. Once I backed off, it flew from the railing to the underside of the stairway leading down to the dock where it had made a nest over the water. Quite a surprise!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Do you hear what I hear?

Small flocks of cedar waxwings accompanied the dog and I on our evening walk today. They were congregating in the black locust trees in the neighborhood, attracted by the many insects, I guess. I've also noticed that hummingbirds seem to have a fondness for locust trees, at least the ones in the grove at Sandy Hook's North Pond.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Spring pond pics and new friends

I mentioned earlier in the week that the locust trees are blooming. They've now started dropping petals everywhere; mostly in the pond, it seems. The effect is pretty, even if it does require a daily skimming with the net. Last year around Memorial Day I had lilies blooming, but this year it will be later because I only just replaced the plants that died over the winter. The plant at right is Parrot's Feather, which the new fish seem to

We've also attracted another frog to the pond. At least I think this is a different one than the one we found when we did our spring clean-up. This one seems a bit smaller and greener than the last one. Late in the afternoon I find him peeping at me from between the rocks under the hosta plants and mint that line one side of the pond. I'm not sure what he's finding to eat. I hope his presence isn't the explanation for a few fish that have vanished in the last few weeks. Very seldom do I find a fish floating; they just disappear. Last summer we had *issues* with a very large bullfrog eating our goldfish. I never would have believed his mouth big enough until one afternoon when my husband called me to the pond to see him with the fins of my husband's favorite blue ryunkin hanging out of his mouth! We were able to remove the fish from his mouth (ahem!) and relocated the bullfrog to the farm pond around the corner. That poor fish was never the same again, and I found him floating a few weeks later. Anyway, I enjoy this guy's company and hope he will behave himself here.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
5/24/06 Mid-week bunny fix (a bunny's eye view)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Watercolor iris

Monday, May 22, 2006
Cinnamon fern

I like to visit this park because of the variety of habitats. The entrance, with its lined walkway of sycamores, attracts nesting Baltimore and Orchard Orioles. The scrubby fields used to be good for Blue-Winged Warblers, but Saturday I found only one singing his lazy "Beee-buzzzz" song. The dark, wet woods have Wood Thrush and Ovenbirds and many Common Yellowthroats. Most importantly, it is quiet there. No soccer fields, no playgrounds, no bike bath, no planned and managed *open space*. Just nature, without any amenities or improvements.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Staying busy
1. Many emails from my friends with kind words about Dora. Thanks friends!
2. My husband weeded the Rose of Sharon bed - that was long overdue and looks nice now.
3. Boomer was playing with hi

4. We went out and bought some new goldfish for the pond. My husband let me pick out the ones with the most freckles that he knows are my favorites (shubunkins and chubby ryunkins who swim funny). It's great fun to add new fish to the pond because the others are so interested in the new guys! They always do this thing where all the fish swim around the perimeter of the shallow end in a long line with the new fish in tow. Fun to watch! We also bought a new waterlily called, "Colorado" that should have apricot-colored blooms. I need to get out and take some pics soo

5. All of the black locust trees (also called yellow locusts) in the neighborhood are blooming beautifully and filling the air with their sweet fragrance. The flowers are white and hang in large clusters. There's a nice pic at the link above.
6. A Merlin zoomed through a flock of starlings this afternoon while I was planting petunias in the front yard. I would not have spotted the Merlin if the starlings hadn't given its presence away with their strange alarm squawks.
7. Our vegetable seedlings are doing well and haven't been decimated by the critters yet. I need to take pics of the fortress my husband built around the

8. We had a fabulous thunderstorm in mid-afternoon . With huge white puffy clouds and the sun shining while it rained. Like a fool I stood in the rain looking for the rainbow - I know it was there just over the horizon.
9. I looked in the chickadee box expecting the babies to have fledged. Instead, I found at least five sleeping babies, all in a huddle. Very sweet!
10. As I write this Freckles is having her *play time* in the office. She doesn't get out often enough, so she is kicking up her heels like a bunny fool. She makes me laugh.
As good a day after as I can ask for.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Dora's gone to the Rainbow Bridge

My sweet Dora passed away today. The poem below is one I found in a nice little book called Life Prayers. I send along a handwritten copy with my bunnies any time they go to the vet's. It is a prayer for healing written by Elias Amidon.
Friend, you lie quiet,
watching the dawn light color your heart,
dreaming of healing for your hurt body
laying there unanswerable to your will.
You breathe deep and your breath has two sides:
inside and outside. You are on both, being breathed.
The future approaches. You will heal or
you will go back to being God.
Which will you do?
Oh by all that is beautiful--
May it be that you live!
May your body heal happy and whole!
May energy fill and delight you!
May we join the dance your presence gives!
May you live!
And if you die?
Oh dear self, by all that is beautiful,
Know you are Safe! Everything is All Right
Forever and Ever and Ever!
The most wonderful, exquisite, familiar
Truth is what is True, and welcomes you.
It will be very easy.
You lie quiet now, praying.
A great healing is coming
and you want to be ready.
The colors of your heart blend
with the light of the morning.
You are blessed.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Robin on nest

Beloved of children, bards and spring,
O birds, your prefect virtues bring,--
Your song, your forms, your rhythmic flight,
Your manners for the heart's delight;
Nestle in hedge, or barn, or roof;
Here weave your chamber weather-proof.
Forgive our harms and condescend
To man, as to a lubber friend,
And, generous, teach his awkward race
Courage and probity and grace!
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, Birds, 1867
I was surprised to find this robin nesting right under my nose and wonder how many times I walked by without noticing her there. The babies have since fledged and I hear them begging to be fed from the low shrubs around the yard. I often see one of them in the vegetable garden, where the dirt is moist and full of worms.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Mister Mimic

He is our northern "mocker," cousin of the brash mockingbird of the more southerly regions, and he has almost all the real mockingbird's talents. He seldom uses them all, however, particularly the talent for sustained song. For he is a clown, an unregenerate mimic with what might be called a keen sense of the ridiculous. A phrase or two of sweet song and he must pause, as though to say, "Pretty, huh? But now listen!" And he will make a complete mockery of what he has just sung, finally jeering at it. He has an operatic voice, but he uses it for scat singing.
And he likes an audience. He picks a nesting site near a house, by preference, and he will offer all kinds of vocal inducements to get human attention. Once he has it, he opens his bag of tricks. A show-off, no less, an adolescent with no self-consciousness whatever; a bird who seems to have the character of a party cutup. He is as capricious as the weather, and that may be why we like him.
The robin is sedate, the oriole is a serious fellow, the blue jay is a blustering egocentric. But the catbird is a quick-witted entertainer who seems to find life a vastly amusing enterprise. Nothing completely dampens his spirit, and his world never seems to be going to pot. The only time we resent him is when we can't rise to match his mood, and that, after all, is our fault, not his." - Hal Borland, Sundial of the Seasons, 1964
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
5/17/06 Mid-week bunny fix
This is an old photo, but a favorite and typical of how I used to find these three in mid-afternoon. Snoozing in a pile with little Peanut in the middle of his two *big* girls. Peanut passed away later that year and nowadays Missy and Freckles live apart, but share play times once in a while.
Dora has been back at the vet's since last Friday. I brought her back because she wasn't doing well at home. She's not doing much better there, but they are taking good care of her. I visit every day and bring her special things, like fresh raspberries and dandelion flowers, to tempt her to eat on her own. The vet says he is seeing a little improvement each day, but I can't see it. She seems to be having good days and bad, like a rollercoaster. I'm hopeful that there are many good days ahead for her. Enough of the bad.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (more singing lessons)

"The evening was calm and beautiful, the sky sparkled with stars. Suddenly there burst on my soul the serenade of the Rose-breasted bird, so rich, so mellow, so loud in the stillness of the night, that sleep fled from my eyelids. Never did I enjoy music more." - John James Audubon quoted in For the Birds: An Uncommon Guide by Laura Erickson.
Erickson describes the grosbeak's song as "like a Robin who takes voice lessons. [The song] is a long, rich warble. Robins sing long sentences, the words often three syllables - Rose breasted Grosbeak sentences can't be broken into distinct words as easily." For the Birds 5-29
In Bird Lore (1901) Emily B. Pellet describes the grosbeak's song as a musical, "You're a pretty bird. Where are you?" I think of it like a Robin's, but in a deeper, more tenor voice and listen for its sharp "kick" call note.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Phragmites at North Pond
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Photo of mom for Mother's Day

I was a little kid when my mom passed away and never had the chance to know her as anything other than my *mommy*. Sad really, when I see the friendships that my girlfriends have with their moms now that we've grown up. I rely on my brothers and old photos like this for glimpses into the person she was.
People tell me I look like her and my dad always said I had some of her mannerisms - one thing I know is that I could never look as good in a bathing suit!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
NJ Audubon World Series of Birding

The following is the trip report sent via email by the team leaders and a few pics from the day.
SHBO Century Run Team at Plum Island
"The SHBO Sandy Hook Century Run today tallied 131 species between 5:30 am and 8:30 pm; much better than we anticipated given the rather weak migration this week and the dominance of easterly winds. Our day started off with a nice shorebird flight over Plum Island with 200+ Least Sandpipers, dozens of Black-bellied Plovers, Semipalmated Plovers, Greater Yellowlegs & Short-billed Dowitchers, 4 Lesser Yellowlegs, and 8+ Solitary Sandpipers. Our only Little Blue Heron, Black Skimmers, and Black-billed Cuckoo of the day were here also.
Chestnut-Sided Warbler
The Locust Grove was quite active with passerines today, highlights including a calling Alder Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, numerous warblers with a female Bay-breasted being the standout. A vocal Least Bittern was calling from the east end of North Pond. Lots of diurnal migrants overhead with flocks of Eastern Kingbirds and Blue Jays predominating.
Dare ya to find the snoozing Nighthawk!
The Raccoon Alley area had a perched and oblivious Common Nighthawk, 6+ Blue-headed Vireos, Yellow-throated Vireo, Warbling Vireo (scarce migrant at the hook), Blackburnian Warbler, and Canada Warbler.
Scarlet Tanager
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows must have been migrating today: we saw 4-6 in the spartina marsh at Plum Island and there was another individual in the thick upland grass adjacent to k-lot.
Magnolia Warbler in Poison Ivy. My favorite pic of the day.
After comparing notes at dusk and getting a sneak peak at the "Sandy Hook Platform Onlies" bird list, we have a preliminary total of 150 species for the hook today, including 23 species of warbler and a fly-by Mississippi Kite that passed the migration watch around 4:30 this afternoon."
Final standings and more info on the World Series is available here.
Friday, May 12, 2006
International Migratory Bird Day

The image at left is this year's poster by Radeaux and celebrates the theme of the boreal forest as the "bird nursery of the north". Click on the image for more info.
I'll be out tomorrow doing the "World Series of Birding" with Sandy Hook Bird Observatory. The weather doesn't look too promising, but hopefully we'll get plenty of birds. We're meeting at 5:30 a.m. and will bird until dark. I doubt that I'll last that long, but we'll see!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Another book to look for

I wish that I had done some reading last year when I was caring for my dad. I'd imagine that many of the difficulties we faced are commonplace to families adapting to a parent who can suddenly no longer live independently due to illness. I also like to keep a list of books that make helpful gifts for friends facing difficult times. Once I've read this one, I may pass it along to a friend or two in need.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
5/10/06 Mid-week bunny fix
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Another of the rose kin

Monday, May 08, 2006
Please share carrot recipes!

Sunday, May 07, 2006
More views from Sandy Hook

Today was my volunteer day at the Sandy Hook Bird Observatory; lots of people around, but few birds from what I heard. Quite a few of the visitors today were new birders who I love to talk with - their enthusiasm is great and spring migration is a perfect time to pick up binoculars for the first time.
Somehow I forgot to bring my camera with me today, so I missed the chance to photograph the white-crowned sparrows and the hummingbirds that are coming to the center's feeders. Chipping sparrows have been moving through my yard, but I haven't seen a white-crowned yet. I've also had my hummingbird feeder out for a few weeks at home, but haven't had any, yet. For some reason, I can't seem to attract them until mid-July.
Here's another shot of the Yellow Warbler from Friday. I heard one of these singing this afternoon, but he was hidden in the foliage of a hackberry tree.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Dora update (with bad pictures)

If you happened to read the link in my last Dora post, you might remember that this surgery is considered by many vets to be a last resort. My vet doesn't agree with that, and feels it should be done sooner, rather than waiting until the bunny is at death's doorway. So, he opened up her stomach to remove the mass of food and hair and fiber that she couldn't pass on her own. As it was, her stomach was bloated to twice its normal size and was putting pressure on her other organs. That's why she wasn't eating or pooping and was so painful.

You wouldn't know it from these pics, but Dora is improved today. She was doing normal bunny thiings like washing her face (in the photo above left) and scratching her ears (at right). She ate a little bit of salad and pooped some for the first time since Tuesday. She still needs to be syringe-fed and is getting fluids and pain meds (you should see the size of her incision!), but the docs thinks she is on the mend. Good news!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Warblers are a common wood warbler that can easily be heard singing from woodland edges and marshy, wet areas. They nest along the small stream that borders the farm fields up the street. Their song is easy to recognize; I learned it as, "Sweet, sweet, sweet, I'm so sweet!" I spent a few hours today at Sandy Hook looking for migrants that the winds had brought our way. I found many beautiful birds, but none were so cooperative as this little one who was busy feeding on the flying insects attracted to the blooming beach plum. He was even nice enough to pause and show off the reddish streaks on his breast.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Michelle's waterbabies!

Michelle is a fellow bunny-lover (remember pics of her French Lop, Tink?) and we've been chatting about our fish ponds lately. She lives down south so her pond plants are way ahead of anything happening around my pond. I've been wanting to post some current pics, but it looks so barren out there, still. The perennials on the pond's edge are up and growing, but other than a few volunteer water lilies (yay!) there is nothing but algae. Well, no more algae, actually. We turned on the filter and uv light last weekend, just before we got to the *pea soup* stage after the complete water change we did a few weeks ago. My tiny little goldfish look so lonely and vulnerable out there!
Michelle's koi look very robust, don't they? And look at the size of those lily pads! I'm jealous. The plants she calls weeds are Parrot's Feather and provide cover and spawning surfaces for fish. Parrot's Feather is tender, so I have to buy it new every year, whereas Michelle thinks she is overrun with it because it doesn't die back in her warmer climate. I have that problem with mint around my pond; it finds its way into every nook between the rocks and grows with abandon. I yank it out by the handful, which only seems to make it even more vigorous.
Michelle says that she has one koi that she can pet! My little guys are not quite that friendly, but they do like to swim around my legs and nibble on my toes when I'm in the pond cutting back the plants. Mostly I think they're interested in whatever I stir up along the bottom as I wade through the water. Silly fish.
Thanks, Michelle, for your email and sharing a pic of your waterbabies! I needed the distraction from my bunny-worrying. You're the best!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
5/3/06 Mid-week bunny fix (sort of)

I took the afternoon off from work and brought her in to the vet because she's been acting *off* the last day or two and not eating like she should and not pooping. Bad news for a bunny.
The photo at left is her in her hospital cage zonked out on pain meds. I visited her tonight after my final meeting with students and brought a special salad with her favorite veggies and her toys. All of which she ignored. I hate to leave a bunny in the hospital, especially one as sensitive as my Dora, because being away from home causes its own problems. So a bunny who was not eating well is now not eating at all because she is timid and fearful in an unfamiliar place and is zonked out on pain meds. Pain medication is important for a rabbit who is ill, so I should be glad that my vet is willing to give it, because many vets do not routinely give pain meds to rabbits. Even after spay/neuter procedures - can you imagine? I have to convince myself that the she needs to be there, even if it means that she will get worse before she can get better.
She is being treated for GI Stasis and needs subQ fluids and injectable meds. I've done those things at home with other bunnies, but not with a bunny quite like Dora. She's only been with me for 6 months or so and will not be handled. I can pet her and kiss her and play with her, but heaven forbid I even think about picking her up and she bolts. No way can I hold her down to give her shots, or hold her still for subQ fluids. So I left her there tonight, hoping that the meds will do their work and get her digestive system working properly, so that I can bring her home with me.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Singing lessons (for Linda)

In the sprin

My friend Linda at work wants to learn about birds and I've offered to bring her along on a spring walk. She's dissuaded by the early hour and suggests we have brunch, then bird, and finish up with some shopping. We have a running joke where she *sings* a bird song that she heard that morning to me and I'm supposed to tell her what it is that she heard. Somehow all of her *songs* sound the same. This morning she saw a cardinal and I tried to teach her its song as "Tear-tear-tear." With her Brooklyn accent it turned into something unrecognizable, but we'll keep working on it.
Wouldst thou know the lark?
Then hark!
Each natural bird
Must be seen and heard.
The lark's "Tee-ee" is a tinkling entreaty.
But it's not always "Tee-ee" -
Sometimes it's "Tee-titi."
So watch yourself.
Birds have their love-and-mating song,
Their warning cry, their hating song;
Some have a night song, some a day song,
A lilt, a tilt, a come-what-may song;
Birds have their careless bough and teeter song
And, of course, their Roger Tory Peter song.
The studious ovenbird (pale pinkish legs)
Calls, "Teacher, teacher, teacher!"
The chestnut-sided warbler begs
To see Miss Beecher.
"I wish to see Miss Beecher."
(Sometimes interpreted as "Please please please ta
The redwing (frequents swamps and marshes)
Gurgles, "Konk-la-ree,"
Eliciting from the wood duck
The exclamation "Jeeee!"
(But that's the male wood duck, remember.
If it's his wife you seek,
Wait till you hear a distressed "Whoo-eek!")
Nothing is simpler than telling a barn owl from a veery:
One says, "Kschh!" in a voice that is eerie,
The other says, "Vee-ur" in a manner that is breezy.
(I told you it was easy.)
On the other hand, distinguishing between the veery
And the olive-backed thrush
Is another matter. It couldn't be worse.
The thrush's song is similar to the veery's,
Only it's in reverse.
Let us suppose you hear a bird say, "Fitz-bew,"
The things you can be sure of are two:
First, the bird is an alder flycatcher (Empidonax traillii
Second, you are standing in Ohio - or as some people
call it, O-hee-o-
Because, although it may come as a surprise to you,
The alder flycatcher, in New York or New England,
does not say, "Fitz-bew,"
It says, "Wee-be-o."
"Chu-chu-chu" is the note of the harrier,
Copied of course, from our common carrier.
The osprey, thanks to a lucky fluke,
Avoids "Chu-chu" and cries, "Chewk, chewk!"
So there's no difficulty there.
The chickadee likes to pronounce his name;
It's extremely helpful and adds to his fame.
But in spring you can get the heebie-jeebies
Untangling chickadees from phoebes.
The chickadee, when he's all afire,
Whistles, "Fee-bee," to express his desire.
He should be arrested and thrown in jail
For impersonating another male.
(There's a way you can tell which bird is which,
But just the same, it's a nasty switch.)
Our gay deceiver may fancy-free be
But he never does fool a female phoebe.
Oh, sweet the random sounds of birds!
The old-squaw, practising his thirds;
The distant bittern, driving stakes,
The lonely loon on haunted lakes;
The white-throat's pure and tenuous thread-
They go to my heart, they go to my head.
How hard it is to find the words
With which to sing the praise of birds!
Yet birds, when they get singing praises,
Don't lack for words - they know some daisies:
"Onk-a-lik, ow-owdle-ow,"
"Cheedle, cheedle chew,"
And dozens of other inspired phrases.
Got that, Linda?
Monday, May 01, 2006
Books for plant geeks

I guess she thinks that I ought to know everything there is to know about plants. Th

Two books I use often are "Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs" and its companion "Manual of Woody Landscape Plants". Michael Dirr has many excellent horticulture titl